why chiropractic care is important for pre-conception, pregnancy, postpartum and beyond

why chiropractic care is important for pre-conception, pregnancy, postpartum and beyond
April 30, 2018 joyfalzone

Today I have the privilege of interviewing my chiropractor Dr. Kim Barber. She went to school at Life University and received her Doctor of Chiropractic Degree (D.C.) in 1996 and has been practicing chiropractic for 21 years. She practices in Bridgewater, NJ with her husband Dr. Joe Barber. I’ve been her patient for about 4 years and I can say that she truly has a passion to help others live their healthiest and feel their best! I have been bringing both my babies as well since they were just a few days old! I love her approach to chiropractic because she looks at the whole person and understands that emotional stress can affect our bodies just as much as physical stress. Chiropractic care is important for everyone regardless of their age but today we are talking specifically why it is important for women who want to become pregnant, are already pregnant and beyond!

The way Dr. Kim has explained chiropractic care to me is that your spine is basically the “circuit board” to your central nervous system. Between each bone in the spinal column is a pair of nerves that have a specific job of transmitting signals to and from different parts of the body. When the bones are misaligned (also called a subluxation) it pinches the nerve and interferes with the proper communication to that specific part of the body. In order for your brain to send messages throughout your body, it must first go through the spine. This is why a properly aligned spine is essential for a healthy nervous system, which in turn affects all the other systems of the body.

If you live in New Jersey and want to make an appointment with Dr. Kim here is her contact information

Chiropractic Naturally
604 Foothill Road
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
PH 908.595.1235

How can being misaligned affect fertility?
There are a pair of spinal nerves in the lower back or lumbar spine that carry information between the brain and a woman’s uterus and ovaries. If there is a subluxation at this level, the normal function of these organs can be compromised. However, it is very important to realize that a chiropractor should check your entire spine for subluxation, not just an area of discomfort or relevance to a condition. Subluxation at any level can put stress on your nervous system and affect your entire body as a whole.

Why are adjustments important during pregnancy?
Adjustments are very important during pregnancy for several reasons. A woman’s pelvic alignment plays a critical role in how much room the baby will have for development and how well the pelvis will open to allow her to give birth vaginally. Also, a woman during pregnancy, may gain a large amount of weight in a relatively short period of time. Most of this weight will be concentrated in the front of her body which then shifts her center of gravity and can put tremendous pressure on the lower back and pelvis. This added pressure can create subluxation or aggravate an existing one that never cerated a symptom before, resulting in many issues such as back pain or sciatica (pain that goes into the buttock or leg). Also, the removal of subluxation through the spinal adjustments helps many woman feel a sense of peace and ease, as well as a greater connection to their body and developing baby.

Explain the Webster Technique and how it may help flip a breech baby.
The Webster Technique is actually not a breech turning technique. It is a method of adjusting that allows a women’s pelvis to be in optimal alignment. When the bones of the pelvis are not in good alignment, the ligaments surrounding the uterus may confine or restrict the baby’s movement. Bringing the pelvis into normal alignment, simply allows the baby to move more freely. A woman should consider getting adjusted even before she conceives. This helps to ensure her spine and pelvis are ready to support her pregnancy and may even prevent a breech baby in the first place.

Why is it important to have your newborn adjusted?
The development and birth of a baby is a beautiful and wondrous miracle but the process of delivery can be stressful on both the mother and child. Many times, in-utero or during birth, a child can actually become subluxated. This is important to know, as these first misalignments of the spine can be present during critical developmental phases and set the stage for spinal health and well being in the future. A newborn with subluxation can also create fussiness or decreased range of motion. This can make breastfeeding a difficult task, rather than a beautiful bonding experience. An adjustment on a newborn is extremely gentle and comfortable for the baby. Many times a baby will sleep right through it or smile and coo through the process. A well adjusted baby is a happy baby and makes transitioning to adjustments as a child much easier. *It becomes something to look forward to rather than fear.

*Joy again, I can attest to this as my son LOVES his adjustments and asks on random days to go to the chiropractor!

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