13 results for lactation cookies

  • Jul032017

    lactation cookies (breakfast bars)

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    I have two exciting things to share today, one, our second baby decided to join us last weekend at home under the care of my amazing midwives, the Midwives of New Jersey, and two, I am finally sharing what is probably the most used recipe in our house! These aren’t just “lactation cookies” but also a great breakfast for everyone. They are basically a protein-packed oatmeal cookie (and who doesn’t want a cookie for breakfast?)! My husband and toddler love these too.

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  • Jul092019

    my breastfeeding essentials & a giveaway!

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    Breastfeeding is HARD. It’s a huge commitment and sacrifice. I really think that so many more women would breastfeed if they had RESOURCES and SUPPORT! After my first baby was born, I had tearing/stitches in my lady parts, I was in so much pain I could barely get in and out of bed. I felt like I got hit by a truck for the full 6 weeks postpartum. Thankfully, breastfeeding came easy for me and my son, he was a champ. I remember thinking that if I had trouble breastfeeding on top of the painful recovery, there was no way I could have done both. Then, with my second baby I felt like nothing had even happened the day after she was born, but breastfeeding was a struggle. My daughter would barely drink a half ounce and pass out, I became engorged and had to deal with clogged ducts and fever/chills. Again, I remember thinking, how could I possibly have mastered a painful recovery on top of breastfeeding, never mind any other challenge thrown in the mix like having a preemie or inverted nipples or a baby with tongue and lip tie. Some women really have the odds stacked against them! In this post I’m sharing the most important factors that kept my milk supply strong and I hope they might help someone else too! This is not to pass judgment on anyone who could not or did not breastfeed, this is solely a resource to help other mommas who are struggling!

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  • Feb072019

    what’s in my hospital / homebirth bag

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    Today I’m sharing what goes into preparing for a home birth. First and foremost in order to have a home birth you must be a low risk mother (meaning no hypertension, gestational diabetes or other complications), your baby must be head down (in most states), and your baby must be born between 37 and 42 weeks gestation. If you’d like to know more about home birth in general and why it is as safe (attended by a well experienced Midwife or OB of course) for a low risk pregnancy than the hospital, I highly recommend watching the documentary Why Not Home. If you feel home is the best place for your baby to be born, finding a Midwife or OB that you completely trust is definitely the next step.

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  • Mar272018

    taking care of yourself in the 4th trimester


    There’s a reason that the six sacred weeks after the birth of a baby are called a woman’s fourth trimester. Her body is still going through so many changes and a massive healing process, regardless of the type of birth she had. Navigating all the bodily changes all while getting to know a brand new human and keep them alive is no easy feat. She is a new person, a mother, or maybe a mother again, which brings on a whole slew of emotional changes as well. I’ve rounded up some ways to take care of yourself postpartum, some of which I learned the hard way, and I hope you don’t have to!

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  • May152019

    my third birth story

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    Waiting for our third baby to come was strange. I completely expected him by the weekend following his due date (a Thursday) since the longest I had ever been pregnant was two days after my due date with my first son. By Monday night there were no clear signs he was coming any time soon. However, I had a little feeling that with the full moon Tuesday evening and the fact that our planned babysitter couldn’t watch my older two and because my husband had a really busy day planned at work, he would decide to come that day.

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  • Apr172019

    what my littles eat in a day

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    Since there was an overwhelming vote on Instagram to do a recurring “what we eat in a day post”, here is the first! This is just what my littles eat. I haven’t decided if I am going to do a separate post on what my husband and I eat or combine it all. Logging everything they ate and taking quick pictures actually took more time than I expected. I think I will aim to do this biweekly. My intention with these posts is to give a good snapshot of what our family eats from day to day, to show that eating whole foods doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming, and to give you ideas for your own family. I won’t be planning ahead for these posts because I want it to be our real day to day – good days and hectic days and on the go days.

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  • Jan082019

    third trimester pregnancy update

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    I’ll be 35 weeks pregnant in a couple days and I am definitely at the point where almost everything is uncomfortable, moving, sleeping, picking up my kids. I’ve been having muscle separation pain near my pubic bone and it’s painful to turn over in bed. If I sit on the floor for extended periods of time, it ruins my tailbone and it’s painful to walk, thanks to the hormone relaxin. I am continuing to go to the chiropractor bi-weekly to keep everything aligned. Baby is definitely maxing out on space and I have a feeling this baby is very long like his brother because his feet are all up in my ribs. I’m also at the point where even if I have a half ounce of pee in my bladder I feel like I have a full bladder. Braxton Hicks are coming a lot more frequently the past couple weeks as my uterus preps for labor and birth.

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  • Jan042019

    what’s the best sweetener?


    Diving into another misunderstood topic today… SUGAR! Thank you for everyone who sent your feedback on this topic on my Insta stories last week! Some of my followers have been asking about this for a long time and the most asked question, “what is the best sweetener to use?”. Cane sugar, maple syrup, honey, agave, brown rice syrup, coconut nectar, coconut sugar, date sugar? The list could go on forever. But the truth is, when it comes to added sugar, sugar is sugar. All “added” sugar contains 4 calories per gram. Replacing your cane sugar with coconut sugar isn’t going to magically make you a healthy skinny person. There is also no use bragging on the health benefits of any of these sugars either, because they are empty calories. I recently saw a very popular influencer on Instagram posting about how she just loves to give her son these little Manuka honey packets to keep him healthy. I mean come on, there are a lot more nutrients in a carrot that a honey pack. Just because honey may have trace minerals, they are TRACE, and it is still SUGAR.

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  • Nov112018

    second trimester pregnancy update

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    Finishing out the last week of my second trimester and it’s always such a surprise when I reach that third trimester mark! Things start to get real! I have been feeling really good (besides for injuring something near my tail bone last weekend, which is better now)! I’ve been working out consistently and strengthening my body which feels so good! Actually making myself do it is tough but I am always so glad I did afterwards. I am loving Ali’s pregnancy workout which is broken down into trimesters and weeks. I think I’ll try to do a separate post on that too. I still have the sciatic pain the day after sex, which is annoying but could be so much worse. Exercising has really helped with a varicose vein I developed as well. Yeah you read that correctly, women with normal BMI get them too, who knew! I also think drinking celery juice has helped improve the vein too, although it could just be the extra hydration in general that’s helping. Still have the stubborn hormonal eczema on my face but it is soooo much better since I’ve been using Yay For Earth face lotion!

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  • Sep302018

    pregnancy update ~ 20 weeks

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    It’s hard to believe I’m HALF way through this pregnancy! The nausea is still hanging around, but thankfully not 24/7. I haven’t thrown up in over a week! Almost everything that I was eating at the beginning of the pregnancy, I’m just over now. I don’t know if it’s because I overdid it or it just reminds me of how awful I was feeling.

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