pumpkin flax homemade baby purée

pumpkin flax homemade baby purée
October 22, 2019 joyfalzone

My baby started eating food! (Although almost all of his calories are still coming from breastmilk) By baby number three there’s no documenting anymore. I’m not even sure when he started, sometime within the past two months. He’s eight months and has one tiny tooth poking through, but unlike my other two babies, he loves purées! I did BLW (baby led weaning) with my other two babies because they hated purées and figured I would do the same this time around.

I think what happened was I still buy these Once Upon a Farm pouches for my older two when we go grocery shopping, it’s their treat and keeps them occupied for a little. Yes, I feel terrible about the plastic every time, don’t judge me. He’s been really interested in food and so we tried to give him some and he would have little tantrums if we didn’t feed him fast enough. I’ve found myself buying the pouches for him out of convenience but they are expensive (best price at Target or Whole Foods Market on sale) and I want to be more consistent about making him baby food at home. They’re the only pouches I buy because they are cold pressed and need to be refrigerated. The ones you find on the shelf have been heated at high temperatures and probably don’t have much nutrition left, besides a lot of them have citric acid mixed in which is harsh on their teeth and can make the whole pouch acidic.

So far I made one batch of homemade baby food with a red kuri squash I had sitting around, you could use any type of pumpkin or squash. Here’s what I used:


1/2 red kuri squash
2 ripe bananas
ground flax


peel and chop the squash or pumpkin, steam it, covered with in a little filtered water at the bottom of the pan/pot until tender when poked with a fork. drain, cool and purée in a blender with banana and ground flax. it keeps in refrigerator for 3-4 days or you can freeze any you don’t use right away.

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