Posts tagged with ‘zucchini bread’

  • Sep192018

    date sweetened zucchini bread


    One of my clients recently asked me for a healthier version of the zucchini bread she had been making for her kids. My husband isn’t really into sweet breads or anything that resembles a cake so I don’t usually bake zucchini bread or I end up eating the entire loaf myself! This was a nice challenge though and I’m happy with the result. I did try a gluten free version of this bread but I wasn’t thrilled with the outcome so I didn’t want to share. After baking three different loafs I was kind of over it. If I try again I will definitely update the recipe to include a gluten free version. On that same note, you’ve also probably heard me talk about how most people who are sensitive to gluten (not celiac) can often tolerate ancient varieties of wheat like einkorn and spelt. So maybe you want to give this a try! Einkorn and spelt are much more nutrient dense and are easier to digest than the very hybridized modern wheat. If you make any variations of this loaf, I’d love to hear how it comes out so comment here or on Instagram!

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