second trimester pregnancy update
No CommentsRead moreFinishing out the last week of my second trimester and it’s always such a surprise when I reach that third trimester mark! Things start to get real! I have been feeling really good (besides for injuring something near my tail bone last weekend, which is better now)! I’ve been working out consistently and strengthening my body which feels so good! Actually making myself do it is tough but I am always so glad I did afterwards. I am loving Ali’s pregnancy workout which is broken down into trimesters and weeks. I think I’ll try to do a separate post on that too. I still have the sciatic pain the day after sex, which is annoying but could be so much worse. Exercising has really helped with a varicose vein I developed as well. Yeah you read that correctly, women with normal BMI get them too, who knew! I also think drinking celery juice has helped improve the vein too, although it could just be the extra hydration in general that’s helping. Still have the stubborn hormonal eczema on my face but it is soooo much better since I’ve been using Yay For Earth face lotion!