- joyfalzone
summer einkorn salad
Read moreI meant to post this one while it was still… summer. However, now it’s October and I figured I will just post it so it’s up for next year when tomatoes and cucumbers abound! This salad is so easy and adaptable and perfect to take on the go because it doesn’t get soggy!
- joyfalzone
iron rich summer chop salad
Read moreI want to do an in depth post on iron soon, but until then, here’s a couple helpful tips on iron absorption (just talking plant based iron here – I’ll talk about heme iron in the upcoming post). Some excellent sources of plant based iron are legumes, dark leafy greens, whole grains, chili peppers, asparagus, parsley, turmeric, cumin, onions, seeds, beets, broccoli, herbs, and so many more. Women of child bearing years and children have increased iron requirements and there are a couple easy ways to increase absorption of plant based iron!
- joyfalzone
spicy jackfruit tacos
Read moreI only tried jackfruit recently and let me tell you, I’m hooked! My husband and mother in law who are meat eaters, said they wouldn’t even know this wasn’t meat if I hadn’t told them. Please, give it a try! This taco recipe will definitely be in rotation in our house! I made my littles a deconstructed plate with the same ingredients.
- joyfalzone
easy spicy pickled onions
Read moreThese are so simple and yet bring your taco game to the next level! We always have these in our fridge and you should too!
- joyfalzone
my breastfeeding essentials & a giveaway!
Read moreBreastfeeding is HARD. It’s a huge commitment and sacrifice. I really think that so many more women would breastfeed if they had RESOURCES and SUPPORT! After my first baby was born, I had tearing/stitches in my lady parts, I was in so much pain I could barely get in and out of bed. I felt like I got hit by a truck for the full 6 weeks postpartum. Thankfully, breastfeeding came easy for me and my son, he was a champ. I remember thinking that if I had trouble breastfeeding on top of the painful recovery, there was no way I could have done both. Then, with my second baby I felt like nothing had even happened the day after she was born, but breastfeeding was a struggle. My daughter would barely drink a half ounce and pass out, I became engorged and had to deal with clogged ducts and fever/chills. Again, I remember thinking, how could I possibly have mastered a painful recovery on top of breastfeeding, never mind any other challenge thrown in the mix like having a preemie or inverted nipples or a baby with tongue and lip tie. Some women really have the odds stacked against them! In this post I’m sharing the most important factors that kept my milk supply strong and I hope they might help someone else too! This is not to pass judgment on anyone who could not or did not breastfeed, this is solely a resource to help other mommas who are struggling!
- joyfalzone
my third birth story
Read moreWaiting for our third baby to come was strange. I completely expected him by the weekend following his due date (a Thursday) since the longest I had ever been pregnant was two days after my due date with my first son. By Monday night there were no clear signs he was coming any time soon. However, I had a little feeling that with the full moon Tuesday evening and the fact that our planned babysitter couldn’t watch my older two and because my husband had a really busy day planned at work, he would decide to come that day.
- joyfalzone
what my littles eat in a day
Read moreSince there was an overwhelming vote on Instagram to do a recurring “what we eat in a day post”, here is the first! This is just what my littles eat. I haven’t decided if I am going to do a separate post on what my husband and I eat or combine it all. Logging everything they ate and taking quick pictures actually took more time than I expected. I think I will aim to do this biweekly. My intention with these posts is to give a good snapshot of what our family eats from day to day, to show that eating whole foods doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming, and to give you ideas for your own family. I won’t be planning ahead for these posts because I want it to be our real day to day – good days and hectic days and on the go days.
- joyfalzone
dirty dozen / clean fifteen list 2019
Read moreEvery year, the Environmental Working Group comes out with a guide based on studies done by the USDA that indicates which produce contains the most and the least pesticide residue. I find this list to be very helpful especially if buying 100% organic is not an option due to monetary restrictions. The full list includes 47 popular produce items and is also broken down into the “dirty dozen” and “clean fifteen”. We know from scientific studies that many of the pesticides and herbicides sprayed on conventional crops disrupt nervous and endocrine (hormone) systems, increase risk of cancer, contribute to infertility in both males and females and are especially dangerous for children (including the unborn) who’s immune systems are not fully developed and are therefore the most vulnerable to damage.
- joyfalzone
what’s in my hospital / homebirth bag
Read moreToday I’m sharing what goes into preparing for a home birth. First and foremost in order to have a home birth you must be a low risk mother (meaning no hypertension, gestational diabetes or other complications), your baby must be head down (in most states), and your baby must be born between 37 and 42 weeks gestation. If you’d like to know more about home birth in general and why it is as safe (attended by a well experienced Midwife or OB of course) for a low risk pregnancy than the hospital, I highly recommend watching the documentary Why Not Home. If you feel home is the best place for your baby to be born, finding a Midwife or OB that you completely trust is definitely the next step.
- joyfalzone
smoky chili with quinoa & tortilla chips
Read moreThis is my favorite vegetarian chili recipe and it’s super easy! Perfect if you are hosting the Super Bowl and need to feed a bunch of people. I’ve been using canned beans lately since it’s just less hassle. Look out for BPA-free lining and preferably no salt. I also love serving it with tortilla chips which makes it fun for littles (and adults) to dip!